Dhordo Village: India’s Hidden Gem wins UNWTO’s Best Tourism Village Award 2023

Dhordo: A Gem in Gujarat

Nestled in the remote corners of Gujarat, Dhordo has officially made its mark on the global map of responsible tourism, cultural diversity, and rural development. In fact, it's one of only 54 villages worldwide to receive this accolade, making it a shining example of what happens when a community goes above and beyond to make tourists’ lives better.

UNWTO Best Tourism Village Award – What's That All About?

So, what’s this award, you might wonder? Well, it's all about celebrating villages that excel in innovation, sustainability, cultural preservation, and community engagement in the tourism realm. These awards essentially recognize the value of authentic and immersive rural tourism experiences and how they can transform the lives of local communities.

When did Dhordo Became Famous?

Now, let’s talk about why Dhordo Village got the spotlight. Picture this – a unique landscape that’s part of one of the world's largest salt deserts, the White Rann of Kutch. During the monsoon, it's like an inland sea, and in the winter, it reveals dazzling white salt flats. Sounds like something out of a dream, doesn't it?

But that’s not all! Dhordo offers luxurious accommodations at the Praveg White Rann Resort and charming Kutchi-style tents at Dhordo Tent City. Oh, and did we mention the three-month-long Rann Utsav festival? It’s a celebration of Kutch’s culture with music, dance, camel safaris, and lip-smacking local cuisine. Plus, the Rann is home to a diverse range of wildlife, from flamingos to lions, and hosts historical sites like the 18th-century Dhordo Fort ruins.

How Tourism Impacts Dhordo's Community?

But it's not just about the tourists – Dhordo’s local community has been riding the wave of transformation too. Tourism has created jobs in hospitality, guiding, handicrafts, and cultural performances. It’s improved the infrastructure with new roads, bridges, and sanitation facilities. Local villagers now have the chance to showcase their unique handicrafts and products, enriching their livelihoods. Festivals like Rann Utsav play a pivotal role in preserving and promoting Kutch’s cultural heritage, and the overall quality of life in the community has significantly improved.

So What Does These All Mean?

So, in a nutshell, Dhordo Village has become a role model for responsible tourism and rural development. It’s not just a pretty face; it’s a community that’s thriving and improving lives. This UNWTO award puts Dhordo on the world stage, and it might just become your next favourite destination, attracting visitors from all over the world.

If you’re planning a visit, the best time to experience Dhordo’s magic is during the winter months, from November to February. Head over to Praveg White Rann Resort and discover for yourself what made Dhordo so special. It’s a place where dreams become reality, and where you can be part of a story that’s changing lives for the better.